Request an Appointment

Request an Appointment

At Beyond 20/20 Vision Therapy, we provide the highest quality service to all our patients. Use the form below to request your appointment. Please indicate your preferred date and time. Please note that we will reach out to you first to confirm your appointment or to provide you with an alternative date. You may also call us to request an appointment. Thank you!​​​​​​​

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is similar to physical therapy, but instead of a joint or muscle, it works with the eyes and brain. There is a neurological component with this kind of therapy because the eyes are an extension of the brain. Our eyes help make “seeing” possible, but vision is reliant on the eye-brain connection. If either of these organs are not working properly, vision will be difficult or non-existent.

Keep In Touch

For non-urgent questions or to learn more about our services, contact us today!